1. 望梅止渴:曹操帶領士兵行軍過程中,帶著他們走到一個梅林前,士兵們聽到梅子的香味,就想起梅子酸甜的口感,非常口渴的士兵因此解渴了。這句話後來用於形容預示未來充實的可能性,虛擬充實現在的事實或將來的好結果。
英譯:Looking at the plums provides some relief from thirst. (Afterwards, when he ordered water to be brought to his soldiers, they were grateful for the possibility of future good.)
2. 孔融分梨:孔融四歲時,與兄弟們玩耍,有時會玩一些小玩具,如梨子等。有一次,他將梨子分給兄弟們,自己卻拿了一個最小的梨子。他的父親問他為何自己拿最小的一個梨子,他回答道:“我最小,應該吃最小的梨。”這個故事後來用於描述孩子聰明、懂事、知禮貌。
英譯:Kong Rong, four years old at the time, shared a pear with his siblings. However, he took the smallest pear for himself. When his father asked why, he replied, “I am the youngest, so I should eat the smallest pear.” This story is used to illustrate children’s intelligence, politeness, and maturity.
3. 王戎識李:王戎小時候和一群孩子在路邊玩耍,看到一棵李子樹。當眾人爭相去摘李子時,他卻說:“這棵樹上沒有多少李子,應該是苦的。”結果眾人嘗試摘下的李子果然是苦的。這個故事後來用於描述聰明的人能夠察覺事物的細微之處。
英譯:Wang Rong, when he was young, played with a group of children by a roadside and saw a tree of sour plums. When everyone else rushed to pick the plums, he said, “There aren’t many plums on this tree, so they must be bitter.” It later became a story to illustrate that intelligent people are able to perceive subtle details in things.