1. 守株待兔:One day, a farmer found a rabbit dead near a tree. He decided to wait for more rabbits to come and not work hard anymore. This idleness caused him to lose his land and livestock.
2. 畫蛇添足:A man drew a snake on a piece of paper and added legs to it. This caused him to be ridiculed by others for his foolishness.
3. 狐假虎威:A fox deceives a tiger and uses its power to intimidate other animals.
4. 破釜沉舟:To ensure success, a leader of a military expedition burns his boat and soldiers' supplies, forcing them to rely solely on their own efforts.
5. 井底之蛙:A frog lives in a small well and thinks it knows everything about the world. However, when it meets a larger frog, it realizes its limitations.