1. 愛因斯坦的故事:
有一天,幼年的愛因斯坦和一群小朋友在玩耍,一個同齡的孩子指著愛因斯坦的頭髮,開玩笑地說:“你的頭那么大,裡面一定裝了很多知識對不對?”愛因斯坦微笑著回答:“不,我的頭裡面裝的其實全是問號。” 這個故事翻譯成英文就是:One day, when Einstein was young, he was playing with a group of children. A same-age child, pointing to Einstein's hair, joked, "Your head must contain a lot of knowledge, right?" Einstein smiled and replied, "No, my head is actually filled with question marks."
2. 馬丁·路德·金的故事:
馬丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr.)是美國民權運動的重要人物。他曾發表了《我有一個夢想》的著名演講,呼籲種族平等。這個故事英文翻譯為:Martin Luther King Jr. was an important figure in the American civil rights movement. He delivered his famous speech "I Have a Dream" to call for racial equality.
3. 海倫·凱勒的故事:
海倫·凱勒(Helen Keller)是一位盲聾啞殘疾人,但她通過不懈的努力,成為了著名的作家和社會活動家。這個故事英文翻譯為:Helen Keller was a blind, deaf, and mute disabled person, but through unremitting efforts, she became a famous writer and social activist.
4. 史蒂夫·賈伯斯的故事:
史蒂夫·賈伯斯是一位改變科技行業的人物,他創立了蘋果公司並推出了許多革命性的產品。這個故事英文翻譯為:Steve Jobs was a figure who changed the technology industry. He founded Apple and introduced many revolutionary products.