* 冬天來了,寒風瑟瑟。 Winter has come, with cold winds blowing.
* 寒風刺骨的冬天來了。 The cold winter has arrived, with its biting winds.
* 冬天,大地披上了銀裝。 In winter, the earth is covered with a thick layer of snow.
* 冬天是寂靜的,仿佛一切都靜止了。 Winter is quiet, as if everything has come to a standstill.
* 冬天的雪花像天使的羽毛般飄落。 Winter's snowflakes fall like angel's feathers.
* 冬天,我們圍在火爐旁取暖。 In winter, we gather around the fire to keep ourselves warm.
* 冬天,人們穿上厚厚的羽絨服。 In winter, people wear thick down jackets to keep warm.