惡兆王瑪爾基特(Morgott the Omen King)的台詞包括:
開場動畫。Foul tarnished, 褪色者啊, in search of the Elden Ring. 受愚昧的野火之心擺弄, Emboldened by the flame of ambition. 妄想得到艾爾登法環? Someone must extinguish thy flame. 那麼連同那陣火在內,都應該撲滅。 Let it be Margit the Fell! 我,「惡兆妖鬼」瑪爾基特,立即執行。
戰鬥對白。擊敗玩家。Put these foolish ambitions to rest. 遺忘那愚昧的野心吧。 60%生命值時。Well, thou art of passing skill. Warrior blood must truly run in thy veins, Tarnished.......喔,不容小覷啊。褪色者不愧是戰士的後代。 戰敗台詞。I shall remember thee, Tarnished....... 我記住你了,褪色者啊。 Smouldering with thy meagre flame. 受野火之心擺弄之人啊。 Cower in Fear. Of the Night. 儘管害怕那潛伏在暗處的黑吧, The hands of the Fell Omen shall brook thee no quarter. 「惡兆」絕不會放過你。
王城外圍再遇瑪爾基特。I see thee, little Tarnished. 褪色者啊,找到你了。 Smouldering with thy wretched flame of ambition. 受野火之心擺弄之人啊。