1. "The sky is the limit." - 天文學名言,表示宇宙無限大,可以探索的領域無限。
2. "The stars are the light of the night, the hope of the future." - 一句天文學名言,表示星星是夜晚的光明,是未來的希望。
3. "The heavens are the book of the universe, which is read only by those with open hearts and minds." - 一句天文學名言,表示天空是宇宙的書,只有心胸開闊、思想開放的人才能讀懂。
4. "The sky is not the limit unless you fail to believe." - 一句天文學名言,表示天空無限大,只要你相信自己,你就能超越任何限制。
5. "The sun rises and sets in the sky, but our dreams can rise above any challenge." - 一句天文學名言,表示太陽在天空中升起和落下,但夢想可以超越任何挑戰。