* 家人,是最親密的夥伴。 ——"Family is the closest partner."
* 家人的關心是最深沉的溫暖。 ——"The care of family is the deepest warmth."
* 就算世界荒蕪,他們永遠是你的家。 ——"Even if the world is barren, they will always be your home."
* 親情,是我心中最溫暖的陽光。 ——"Blood relation is the warmest sunshine in my heart."
* 無論多少歲,唯有家人才是最美的風景。 ——"No matter how old I am, only my family is the most beautiful scenery."
* 家人是那個無論何時何地,都會默默支持你的人。 ——"Family is the one who will silently support you no matter when and where."
* 家人,是我們生命中最珍貴的禮物。 ——"Family is the most precious gift in our life."