



Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Xiao Si. He lived in a small village with his family. Xiao Si was a very curious boy who always wanted to explore the world around him. One day, he discovered a magical book in the forest nearby. The book had stories and adventures written in it, and Xiao Si was fascinated by it.

One day, the book opened up and a little fairy appeared. She told Xiao Si that she had been trapped inside the book for ages and that he could help her escape by reading and telling her stories. In exchange, she would grant him one wish every time he finished a story.

Xiao Si agreed and they started reading and telling stories together. As they continued, Xiao Si became a better storyteller and the little fairy became more powerful and stronger. One day, the village was threatened by a big dragon who was terrorizing the residents. Xiao Si had to use all his skills and creativity to tell a story that would help him defeat the dragon.

He created a magical tale about a brave warrior who could transform into a dragon to fight evil and protect the innocent. Through his storytelling, Xiao Si was able to make the dragon see the error of its ways and transform back into its human form. The residents of the village were grateful to Xiao Si for saving them from the dragon's wrath.

After the battle, the little fairy appeared before Xiao Si and granted him his wish: He wished for the village to be safe from harm for evermore. The little fairy smiled and disappeared, leaving Xiao Si with a newfound confidence in his ability to tell stories and change the world around him.

And thus, the legend of Xiao Si, the storyteller, was born.