1. 只有用心靈才能看得清事物的本質;真正重要的東西是肉眼無法看見的。
2. 忘記朋友是件悲哀的事,就像我剛才忘記把水罐灌滿一樣。
3. 你會明白,當你馴服一個人時,始於那根稻草,一切就開始了。
4. 人們不再到星星上去了,不,不應該這樣。
5. 我的那朵玫瑰花獨一無二,因為她是我澆灌的。
1. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.
2. For you see, when you馴化一個人, 就要對他死命負責……
3. You know, for you in order to love someone it is necessary to tame them,
4. But you can’t talk about anything while you are waiting in line in a café or making repairs on your engine, they keep saying time and time again!
5. It was very much like that for my rose, that’s why she was unique: She was the only one of her kind. She was all I had in the world, and so I made a habit of watering her.