



1. The stars are beautiful because of a lot of tiny things like you.


2. What makes you old is what you think about.


3. It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.


4. You take things too seriously.


5. A moment earlier and a moment later, there is no difference, it would have still been there. A butterfly can have flown in front of your eyes, you did not bother to see. You thought too much. A fox could have trespassed by the edge of your bed, it could have given you a fleeting joy and left, and then suddenly it could have come back, but it didn't and that is precisely its happiness, the most fragile in the world! It would be as if I had said to you: "When I go out for a walk, I meet nice scenery every now and then.


6. To love a flower, you must be silent while it grows.


7. You know—one loves the sunset, when one is so sad one evening, even though one knows it will be there tomorrow.


8. And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: one has to be very much alive to see properly. The day I was born I also began to understand things. The sun was shining on me, and I had just begun to understand everything! But each time it gets dark, I feel a little sad because I have to wait until tomorrow for the sun to shine again. And so, when you are sad, just look at some stars and you will feel better! They are beautiful, because light travels that way. They are so far away that one would need a whole day to reach them from here! And that is what makes them beautiful!
