1. 快樂是一天,不快樂也是一天,為何不快快樂樂地過每一天?
Happiness is one day, unhappiness is also one day, why not live each day happily?
2. 人生就像一場舞會,教會你最初舞步的人卻很少能陪你走到散場!
Life is like a ball, the person who teaches you the first steps rarely accompanies you to the end of the party!
3. 心中有座城,城裡住著疼。
There is a city in my heart that hurts.
4. 不是不想為一個愛的人而努力,而是我沒有這個命。
I don't have this fate to work for a person I love.
5. 人生就像一場旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎沿途的風景以及看風景的心情。
Life is like a journey, it doesn't matter where we are headed, what matters is the scenery along the way and the mood of seeing the scenery.
6. 有些路注定是要孤身一人走,所以你要學會堅強。
Some roads are meant to be walked alone, so you must learn to be strong.
7. 別等不該等的人,別傷不該傷的心。有些人,注定無法替代;有些情,注定無法勉強。
Don't wait for the wrong person, and don't hurt your heart that cannot be hurt. Some people are destined to be irreplaceable, and some feelings are meant to be beyond effort.
8. 人生就是一場盛大的遇見,有些人終究只是你生命的過客。
Life is a grand encounter, and some people will always be just passers-by in your life.