1. 快樂是一股氣,一股催人奮進、向上的正能量。 Happiness is a kind of energy that motivates and encourages people to strive forward.
2. 悲傷像黑夜中的風暴,但最終會被陽光碟機散。 Sorrow is like a storm in the night, but it will eventually be dispelled by the sun.
3. 無論你身處何處,都要保持樂觀,因為樂觀能讓你看到更美好的未來。 No matter where you are, keep being optimistic, because optimism can help you see a better future.
4. 不要害怕失敗,因為失敗是成功的墊腳石。 Don't be afraid of failure, because failure is the stepping stone to success.
5. 人生就像一場馬拉松,只有堅持不懈,才能到達終點。 Life is like a marathon, only perseverance can lead you to the finish line.
6. 微笑面對生活,你會發現世界如此美好。 Face life with a smile, and you will see how beautiful the world is.
7. 記住,只有你自己才能決定你的心情,你的心態決定你的成敗。 Remember, only you can decide your mood, and your mentality determines your success or failure.