



1. 徐特立:學問欲淡漠難矣! Time to study thins desire is difficult indeed!

2. 陶行知:好的教育是培養人的精神,調和社會人的內部生理和心理的好菌群生長,消除不良菌群侵蝕的不良教育。 Good education nurtures the spirit of man, regulates the growth of the good bacteria community inside and outside man, eliminates the bad influence of the bad bacteria, and is conducive to healthy growth.

3. 蘇霍姆林斯基:我們教育工作者的任務就在於讓每個兒童看到人的心靈美,珍惜愛護這種美,使它體現在自己的行為舉止上。 Our task as educators is to make each child see the beauty of the human spirit, cherish and respect this beauty, and embody it in their own behavior.

4. 雅斯貝爾斯:教育意味著一棵樹搖動另一棵樹,一朵雲推動另一朵雲,一個靈魂喚醒另一個靈魂。 Education means a tree moving another tree, a cloud pushing another cloud, and a soul awakening another soul.
