


New Year, also known as the Spring Festival in China, is the most important festival in the Chinese culture。It is a time of family reunions, celebration, and the exchange of greetings。The festival follows the lunar calendar, usually occurring in late January or early February。

Before New Year's Eve, families忙於購物和準備各種年貨, including food and decorations。On New Year's Eve, families gather together to have a big meal, often consisting of dumplings and other traditional dishes。Firecrackers are set off to ward off evil and bring good luck。Children receive red envelopes (also called lucky money) from their parents or relatives, which they find under their pillows or in their stockings。

On New Year's Day, people visit relatives and friends, exchange greetings, and wish each other a Happy New Year。Children are particularly happy as they get to play with their friends and receive gifts from their elders。

The festival lasts for several days, with activities like setting off fireworks, visiting temples, and enjoying family time。For many, it's not just a holiday; it's a time for reflection, gratitude, and looking forward to the new year ahead。