



* 苦海無涯,回頭是岸。應無畏。

* 穿越時空,只為了一句承諾。

* 讓我試試吧,畢竟我是沒有金箍棒的如意金箍棒。

* 只有不停的提升自己,才能在這個時空安身立命,成為別人的救命稻草。

* 你的對手是我,孫悟空。

* 我告訴你,我從來不敢看我的結果。

* 你不是說過,我們神仙和凡人是不一樣的嗎?

* 我什麼都不會,我就剩下跟你在一起了。

* 我很貪婪,但是我只對你貪。

* 為了你,我願意捨棄身上所有的東西,除了良心和臉皮。

* 我今天要把一切都還給你,我要你重獲新生,忘記過去的一切。

* 你還想要我怎么樣?636549 A triangle number where the third and last numbers in the row are also in the sequence.

e.g., {3, 6, 8}. The 6 in the third position of the sequence also forms a triangle number with the 3 in the first position and the 8 in the last position. The pattern continues in this way until the first and last numbers of the sequence are no longer a triangle number.

In this case, this triangle number is (3, 6, 8, 9). The next triangle number will be (9, 27, 36). The third and last numbers of these triangles are also part of the sequence. The sequence will continue indefinitely until the first and last numbers are no longer triangle numbers.

In other words, it's a sequence of triangle numbers formed by concatenating each pair of adjacent numbers in the sequence, where each pair forms a triangle number with each other pair of adjacent numbers. This pattern repeats indefinitely.

In this case, the starting point of the sequence is (3). Each pair of adjacent numbers in this sequence forms a triangle number with each other pair of adjacent numbers, so the next pair is (6). Then (6) forms a triangle number with (3) and (8), so the next pair is (8). Then (8) forms a triangle number with (6) and (9), so the next pair is (9). And so on indefinitely.