* 未來不適合待在過去的容器里。
Future is not a place where you fit in containers of the past.
* 未來是一幅待著我們去挖掘和塑造的畫,它的美妙取決於我們如何著手。
The future is a painting waiting for us to dig and shape, its beauty depends on how we start.
* 不要為過去哭泣,因它已經過去;不要為未來煩惱,因它可能會到來。你的生活只在於你的現在。
Don't cry about the past, it is gone. Don't worry about the future, it may never come. Your life is only in your present.
* 一切皆有可能,即一切皆未來。
"It is possible for everything, which means it is possible for everything to become the future."
* 不要怕犯錯誤,錯誤是未來的開始。
Don't be afraid to make mistakes, mistakes are the beginning of the future.
* 只要你不放棄未來,未來就不會放棄你。
As long as you don't give up on the future, the future won't give up on you.