1. “星星之火,可以燎原。”(英文翻譯:“A spark of fire can ignite the whole prairie.”)
2. “槍桿子裡面出政權。”(英文翻譯:“Power comes from the barrel of a gun.”)
3. “沒有調查就沒有發言權。”(英文翻譯:“Without investigation, there is no right to speak.”)
4. “好好學習,天天向上。”(英文翻譯:“Study well, make progress day by day.”)
5. “為人民服務。”(英文翻譯:“Serving the people is our responsibility.”)
6. “發展體育運動,增強人民體質。”(英文翻譯:“Developing physical sports and enhancing people's physical fitness.”)
7. “農村包圍城市。”(英文翻譯:“Surrounding the countryside to attack the city.”)
8. “謙虛使人進步,驕傲使人落後。”(Modesty Brings Progress, Arrogance Leads to Backwardness.)
9. “敵人一天天爛下去,我們一天天好起來。”(英文翻譯:“The enemy falls apart day by day, while we get better day by day.”)