



* 愛情就像一顆小種子,需要精心的呵護和培養,才能茁壯成長。 Love is like a tiny seed, which requires careful nurturing and cultivation to grow strong.

* 愛情不是尋找共同之處,而是要學會尊重差異。 Love is not about finding common ground, but about learning to respect differences.

* 愛情不是用言語表達,而是用心體會。 Love is not something you can put into words, but something you feel in your heart.

* 你給了我一顆心,我卻回報你一份淚。 You gave me your heart, but all I could give you was a tear.

* 真正的愛情不是一時衝動,而是經過時間的洗禮和歲月的沉澱後依然堅定不移。 True love is not a fleeting emotion, but one that endures through the test of time and remains steadfast over the years.

* 愛情是兩個人一起經歷風雨,一起分享彩虹,一起慢慢變老的過程。 Love is the process of experiencing storms together, sharing rainbows, and growing old slowly together.

* 我愛你,不是因為你是誰,而是因為我在你面前可以是誰。 I love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.
