Once upon a time, there was a cat named Tom and a little mouse named Jerry. They lived in the same house and often had conflicts, but they also had a deep sense of friendship for each other.
One day, Jerry got trapped in a bag and couldn't come out. He cried for help and begged Tom to come and save him. But Tom was busy playing with a ball and couldn't hear Jerry's cries. After a while, he realized what was happening and hurried over to Jerry's side.
He struggled to pull the bag off of Jerry and saved him just in time. From then on, Tom and Jerry realized that they couldn't always fight with each other. They had to learn to respect each other and understand each other's needs. They became closer friends and were able to work together to solve problems and overcome difficulties.
This story teaches us that even if we have differences with others, we should learn to respect them and work together to solve problems. We should always remember that no matter what, there is still love and friendship in this world.