* 願你乘風破浪,不負韶華,勇敢前行,成就輝煌。
May you ride the waves, not不負韶華, and bravely move forward to achieve brilliance.
* 願你的人生詩酒相伴,一路繁花相隨。
May your life be accompanied by poetry and wine, with flowers all along the way.
* 願你釋放萬丈光芒,永遠年輕,永遠熱淚盈眶。
May you release tremendous light, always young, always filled with passion and tears.
* 願你踏遍青山人未老,風景這邊獨好。
May you stay young and stroll through green mountains, where the scenery is particularly beautiful.
* 願你面對困難,永不服輸,堅持不懈,終將成功。
May you face difficulties, never give up, persevere, and finally succeed.
* 畢業不是結束,而是新的開始。
Graduation is not an end, but a new beginning.
* 讓我們把握青春的韻律,為明天譜寫更美的詩篇。
Let's grasp the rhythm of youth and write a more beautiful poem for tomorrow.