1. "Believe in yourself,and everything will be possible."(相信自己,一切皆有可能。)
2. "Success is not final,failure is not fatal:It is the courage to continue that counts."(成功不是終點,失敗也不是致命的,繼續前行的勇氣才是最重要的。)
3. "Life is like a box of chocolates,you never know what you're gonna get."(生活就像一盒朱古力,你永遠不知道你會得到什麼。)
4. "Opportunities never come my way,so I go after them."(機會總是降臨到我身上,所以我追逐它們。)
5. "The best way to predict the future is to create it."(預測未來的最好方法就是去創造它。)
6. "Success is not the destination,but the journey."(成功不是終點,而是過程。)
7. "Nothing is impossible to a willing heart."(有志者事竟成。)
8. "Perseverance can overcome any obstacle."(毅力可以克服任何障礙。)
9. "Your effort will pay off in the end."(你的努力最終會有回報的。)
10. "The world is your oyster,go and explore."(世界是你的牡蠣,去探索吧。)