1. 選擇一個適合年齡和興趣的故事主題。可以是歷史、神話、傳說、科幻、冒險、幽默等類型的故事。
2. 用簡單的語言概述故事情節,以便清楚地傳達故事的主要內容。
3. 根據故事的主題和情節,使用適當的辭彙和語法結構,讓故事更加流暢易懂。
4. 講述故事時,可以適當地加入一些情感和語調,讓故事更加生動有趣。
Once upon a time, there was a little mouse named Bob. He lived in a hole in the ground and loved to play with his friends. One day, Bob was playing with his friends when they accidentally fell into a trap. Bob was so worried about his friends that he decided to go and help them. He ran as fast as he could and managed to free all of them. After that, his friends became even closer to him and they played together for hours. Bob’s bravery and kindness won the hearts of all his friends and they were always there for him when he needed them.