1. 我就是你的陰陽師,我會幫你找回失去的一切。
"I am your yinyang shishi, I will help you找回失去的一切."
2. 你的願望,就是我的使命。
"Your wish, is my duty."
3. 無論生死,我都將陪伴在你身邊。
"Regardless of life or death, I will be by your side."
4. 不要怕,有我在你身旁。
"Don't be afraid, I am by your side."
5. 你的命運,由你自己決定。
"Your fate, is determined by you."
6. 只要還有一口氣,就不能放棄希望。
"As long as there is still a breath left in me, there can be no giving up on hope."
7. 只要還有一份信念,就一定能找到出路。
"As long as there is still a bit of faith, we can surely find a way out."
8. 我們,一定會重逢。
"We will meet again."
9. 我還有很多事情要做,所以你不能消失。
"I have so many things to do, you cannot disappear."
10. 你的力量,將改變一切。
"Your power will change everything."