* May the best memories of us last forever. * 願我們最美好的回憶永恆不變。
* Wishing you a fulfilling and happy new job. * 祝你找到一份滿意的新工作。
* Goodbye, and thank you for everything! * 再見,感謝你的一切付出!
* Hope to see you again somewhere down the road. * 希望將來有一天我們能再相見。
* Wishing you all the best and a job you love at your new company. * 祝你在新公司找到一份心儀的工作,一切順利。
* Take care, and hope to hear from you again someday. * 保重,希望有一天能再聽到你的訊息。
* Best wishes for a successful transition to your new job and future happiness. * 祝你順利過渡到新工作,祝你未來幸福。
* Goodbye, hope to see you again soon. * 再見,希望很快能再見到你。