可惜常青樹,不長情。Unfortunately, the evergreen tree, not long love。
可是壞情緒不能像歌一樣被分享。But a bad mood can't be shared like a song。
實際上有些事,只有你一個人在遺憾。In fact, some things, only you a person in regret。
遲到的反饋和過期的情緒是不匹配的。Late feedback and overdue emotions don't match。
玫瑰的愛滿街都泛濫,野草的情卑微如塵埃。Rose love all over the street are flooding, grass feeling humble such as dust。
雨不會一直下,喜歡的歌也不會只聽一次。It won't rain all the time, and you won't listen to your favorite song only once。
想送你一本沉思錄,可是,該迷途知返的人是我。Want to send you a meditations, but, the person is me。
後來我選擇了沉默,選擇了後退,不想再較勁了,我想早點睡,睡個好覺比愛重要。Later I chose silence, chose to back, do not want to fight, I want to go to bed early, sleep better than love。