人群正在聚集。The crowd is gathering.
那天晚上他們在我家裡聚會,一直談到深夜。That evening they gathered in my house and talked till it was late.
教師把全體同學集合在禮堂內。The teacher gathered all the pupils in the auditorium.
樹葉集成了堆。Leaves gathered in heaps.
全家人聚集在雷的家中。The whole family gathered together at Ray's home.
他的支持者聚集在主廣場上。His supporters gathered in the main square.
暴風雨越來越大。The storm is gathering.
暮色漸濃。The dusk is gathering.
莊稼都妥善收割完畢。The harvest has been safely gathered in.
人群開始聚集在事故現場。A crowd was starting to collect around the spot of the accident.
偵探們花了數月時間蒐集證據。Detectives have spent months gathering evidence.
女孩在採花。The girl is gathering flowers.
我從信中了解到你並不喜歡你的工作。I gather from your letter that you're not enjoying your job.
我猜你想要見我。I gather you wanted to see me.
我也這麼認為。So I gather.
你是個體經營吧。You're self-employed, I gather.
據我了解,他捲入了一場爭鬥之中。As far as I can gather, he got involved in a fight.
我整理檔案時你就在一旁等待。While I gathered up my papers, you waited.