



1. The Tortoise and the Hare (烏龜與兔子) - A slow but diligent tortoise always beats a fast but careless hare in a race. This story teaches us that perseverance and hard work are more important than speed and luck.

2. The Ant and the Grasshopper (螞蟻與蚱蜢) - An ant works hard gathering food in summer, while a grasshopper lives off the hard work of others. When winter comes, the grasshopper asks the ant for help, but the ant refuses, saying that it saved its resources for the future. This story teaches us to be prepared for the future and not to rely solely on others.

3. The Boy Who Cried Wolf (喊狼的男孩) - A boy who repeatedly lied about seeing a wolf was eventually believed when a real wolf actually appeared. This story teaches us that credibility is important and that people will not take our warnings seriously if we are untrustworthy.

4. The Frog King (井底之蛙) - A frog lives in a well and is never exposed to the outside world. It believes that it knows everything about the world until it is transformed by a trip to the surface. This story teaches us that we should be open to new experiences and learn from others to broaden our perspectives.
