1. 狐假虎威 - "Hare Bearing the Presence of the Tiger"
2. 畫蛇添足 - "Drawing Snakes with Extra Feet"
3. 守株待兔 - "Waiting for a Hare by a Tree Stump"
4. 破釜沉舟 - "Breaking the Caulks and Sinking the Boat"
5. 半途而廢 - "Quitting Halfway"
6. 掩耳盜鈴 - "Covering One's Ear and Stealing a Bell"
7. 雞鳴狗盜 - "Chickens Crying and Dogs Stealing"
8. 殺雞取卵 - "Killing a Hen to Get Her Young"
9. 杞人憂天 - "Worried about the Sky Falling"
10. 杯弓蛇影 - "Drinking Glass with Snake Shadow"