* 人生就好像是是過山車,有低谷就會有高峰,最重要的是享受過程。 Life is like a roller coaster, there will be ups and downs. The most important thing is to enjoy the process.
* 成功的秘訣就是每天都要進步一點點,哪怕是很小的一點點。 The secret to success is to make progress in just a little bit every day, even if it's a very small bit.
* 挫折只是暫時的,它可能會讓我們倍感壓力,但只要我們堅持不懈,就一定能克服困難。 Setbacks are only temporary. They may make us feel overwhelmed, but as long as we keep going, we can overcome any obstacle.
* 保持謙遜,就能在生命的每一個環節學習新的東西。 By keeping a humble attitude, we can learn new things in every aspect of life.
* 生活不可能像剝洋蔥那樣剝去層層誤會和隔閡,要想擁有快樂,只能自己去做一個愉快的發光體。 Life can't be like peeling an onion, getting rid of layer after layer of misunderstandings and barriers. To be happy, we have to make ourselves a cheerful發光體.
* 人這一生太短,好好愛自己。 Our life is too short to not love ourselves.
* 有時你覺得你只是在孤軍奮戰,但請相信,你的朋友,家人,和那些你不認識的人都在看著你,支持你。 Sometimes you might feel like you're fighting alone, but please believe that your friends, family, and those people you don't even know are watching you and supporting you.