1. "我不同意你說的每一個字,但我誓死捍衛你說話的權利!"
"I may not agree with every word you say, but I will defend your right to say it!"
2. "我雖然沒有過人的才智,但是我有一顆永遠追求真理的心。"
"I may not have extraordinary intelligence, but I have a perpetual thirst for truth."
3. "人們最看重的是被他稱作‘我的朋友’的人的數量。"
"The people value most the number of people whom they call 'my friends.'"
4. "每個人都應有權利以自己的方式表達自己的觀點,只要他不試圖阻止別人自由表達。"
"Everyone should have the right to express their views in their own way, so long as they do not attempt to prevent others from freely expressing themselves."
5. "大多數人生活在平靜的絕望中,因為他們失去了選擇的自由。"
"Most people live in quiet despair because they have lost the freedom to choose."
6. "在這個世界上有兩種人,一種是命運的囚徒,另一種是命運的主人。"
"There are two kinds of people in this world, prisoners of fate, and masters of fate."
7. "知識就是力量"
"Knowledge is power"