1. "學而時習之,不亦說乎?" - Study and constantly review is not joyful?
2. "溫故而知新,可以為師矣。" - Know the past to understand the new, this is what teachers can be.
3. "知之者不如好之者,好之者不如樂之者。" - Knowers are not as good as learners who are fond of learning, learners who are fond of learning are not as good as those who are happy learning.
4. "人而無信,不知其可也。" - If a person has no integrity, it is not known what he can do.
5. "君子喻於義,小人喻於利。" - The noble man pursues righteousness, while the ordinary person pursues self-interest.
6. "父母在,不遠遊,遊必有方。" - When parents are alive, one should not travel far away; if one must travel, there must be a destination.
7. "知者不惑,仁者不憂,勇者不懼。" - The wise are not perplexed, the benevolent are not worried, and the brave are not afraid.