



* 兄弟朋友不是隨便就能找的,而且有的事根本不能開玩笑。 Brother and friend can't be found casually, and some things can't be joked about at all.

* 親愛的兄弟,今天是你離開的第十天,我真的想你了。 Dear brother, it's been ten days since you left today. I really miss you.

* 今生做我兄弟來生做我親人。 Be my brother today, be my family in the next life.

* 你說咱們兄弟可能會同年同月同日死。 You said we brothers might die on the same day of the same month in the same year.

* 有你就有我親愛的兄弟姐妹。 With you, I have my dear brothers and sisters.

此外,“走咱們弟兄去吃好吃的”可以用英文表達為“Let's brotherhood go have some good food.”或者“Brothers, let's go eat.”等。這些都可以用來表達兄弟之間的情感和互動。