1. 成功是一場持久的戰爭,需要耐心和毅力。
Success is a long-term battle that requires patience and perseverance.
2. 只有那些勇敢面對挫折的人才能真正成功。
Only those who are brave enough to face setbacks can truly achieve success.
3. 只要有夢想,沒有做不到的事。
As long as you have a dream, there's nothing you can't do.
4. 失敗不可怕,可怕的是失敗後不復起。
Failure is not可怕, what's worse is staying down after failure.
5. 只要心懷夢想,就不怕路途遙遠。
As long as you have a dream in your heart, there's no fear of the distance of the road ahead.
6. 人生就像一場賽跑,只有不停地奔跑,才能不落後。
Life is like a race, only by constantly running can you keep up.
7. 沒有不能超越的障礙,只有不想超越的心。
There are no obstacles that cannot be overcome, only a heart that doesn't want to rise.
8. 努力不是為了得到更多,而是為了防止自己一事無成。
Effort is not about getting more, it's about preventing oneself from becoming nothing.
9. 人生是一場學習的旅程,永遠不要停止學習。
Life is a journey of learning, never stop learning.
10. 只有勇於嘗試,才能找到成功的路。
Only by daring to try can you find the path to success.