



1. Great success takes time and effort. (偉大的成功需要時間和努力。)

2. Persistence is the key to success. (毅力是成功的關鍵。)

3. Success is not final, failure is not fatal. Success is not final, failure is not fatal. (成功不是終點,失敗也不是致命的。)

4. Success is not a goal, but a journey. (成功不是一個目標,而是一段旅程。)

5. Success is not the destination, but the way we travel. (成功不是目的地,而是我們所經過的途徑。)

6. Practice makes perfect. (熟能生巧)

7. Opportunities are often disguised as obstacles. (機會常常以障礙的形式出現。)

8. Never give up, never say die. (永遠不放棄,永遠不說死亡。)

9. Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. (成功不是快樂的鑰匙。快樂是成功的鑰匙。如果你熱愛你所做的事情,你就會成功。)

10. Success is not the result of luck, but the result of effort and perseverance. (成功不是運氣,而是努力和毅力的結果。)
