* 努力是夢想與現實之間的橋樑。 - effort is the bridge between the dream and reality.
* 天下沒有白費的努力。 - There is no effort that is wasted in this world.
* 不付出努力,就不會有收穫。 - There will be no harvest without effort.
* 努力工作,成功只是遲早的事。 - Work hard, success will come sooner or later.
* 只有堅持不懈地努力,才能實現夢想。 - Only by persevering in effort can we achieve our dreams.
* 努力不一定成功,但不努力一定不會成功。 - Hard work may not necessarily lead to success, but if you don't try, you can't achieve it.