1. “天下之事,皆起於積習而敗於一新。”(天下的事情,都是從日常的積累開始,到徹底改變就失敗了。) This matter in the world, all start from accumulative habits and end in a complete change.
2. “知識就是力量。”(知識就是力量。)Knowledge is power.
3. “靜以修身,親以養正。”(用寧靜來修養身心,以親愛來端正品行。) Calmly cultivate one's body and nourish one's character with love.
4. “人生得一知己足矣。”(人生得一知己就足夠了。) Having one good friend is sufficient in life.
5. “時間就是金錢,效率就是生命。”(時間就是金錢,效率就是生命。)Time is money, efficiency is life.
6. “路遙知馬力,日久見人心。”(路途遙遠才能知道馬的力氣大小,日子長了才能看出人心的好壞。) After a long journey, a horse can show its true strength and a person can show their true character.
7. “成功不是得到多少東西,而是成為多少東西。”(成功不是得到多少物質或者身份,而是成為更好的自己。)Success is not about having material possessions or high status, but about becoming a better version of oneself.
8. “先天下之憂而憂,後天下之樂而樂。”(為天下人憂慮在先,為天下人快樂在後。) Worrying about others before oneself and being happy for others after oneself.