1. "天下之本在國,國之本在家,家之本在身。"(英文版:The foundation of the world is the country, the foundation of the country is the family, and the foundation of the family is the individual.)
2. "志不強者智不達,言不信者行不果。"(英文版:Those who lack perseverance are unlikely to achieve wisdom, and those who speak falsely are unlikely to accomplish their goals.)
3. "愛人若愛其身,治人若治其身。"(英文版:Loving others as you love yourself, governing others as you would like to be governed.)
4. "萬事莫貴於義。"(英文版:Nothing is more valuable than righteousness.)
5. "君子和而不同,小人同而不和。"(英文版:A noble person balances harmony while maintaining differences, while a common person seeks uniformity without balance.)