* 失去了他,你仿佛失去了一切。 * Losing him, you feel like you've lost everything.
* 失戀的我,只是那顆殘破不堪的心。 * Losing my lover, just leaves me with a broken heart.
* 曾經滄海難為水,除卻巫山不是雲。 * Past is better than present, memories are sweeter than love.
* 一個人離開你的時候,不要問原因,她們編不出一個答案。 * When someone leaves you, don't ask why, they couldn't come up with a satisfactory answer.
* 你說你會愛我一輩子,可是現在我們卻不了了之。 * You said you would love me for a lifetime, but now we are left with nothing.
* 有些事一轉身就一輩子有些人一轉身就是一輩子再見了,我最愛的人。 * Some things happen in a blink of an eye, while others last a lifetime. Goodbye, my dearest love.
* 回憶只會讓人心痛,你只能勇往直前尋找下一站幸福。 * Memories only hurt when you dwell on them, so you must bravely move forward and find happiness in your next journey.
* 我的世界已經失去了你,那么的蒼白無力。 * My world has lost you, so it's all so pale and powerless.
* 失戀的我,只能默默地祝福你。 * Losing my lover, I can only silently bless you.