「Life is too short to hold grudges.」生活中沒有必要懷恨在心。
「The more alone I am, the less friends I have, the less support I have, the more I have to respect myself.」當我孤獨無助時,我更需要自尊自愛。
「To the soul like water, both compliant and stable, both tame and strong, can be bent and not fold, I will always be gentle and sincere.」對於那些內心如水般柔順、穩重、馴服而堅強的人來說,我會始終保持溫柔和真誠。
「Love yourself, and do not give generously as gifts all your love, soul and strength, and waste it where it is not needed or despised.」愛自己,不要把你全部的愛、靈魂和力量浪費在不必要或不被人尊重的地方。