表示感謝:最直接的回答是 "Thank you!"。如果對方稱讚你的衣服或配飾,你可以說 "I love what you’re wearing too!" 來回應。
表達感激之情:在職場上,你可以說 "Your words honestly mean the world to me!" 或 "I wouldn’t have come so far without your help!" 來表達你對讚揚的感激。
表示驚訝:如果你對對方的讚美感到意外,可以說 "Oh, I've had this for ages." 或 "Really? It was only cheap!"。
分享成果:如果是因爲團隊合作而受到讚揚,你可以說 "Thanks! Andy worked on it too. It wasn't all my work; Andy gave me a lot of help."。
幽默的回答:在英國,對於意外的讚美,你可以用幽默的方式回應,比如 "What are you after?" 或 "What do you want?"。
表達感激和謙虛:你可以說 "It's really nice of you to say so. I am so flattered." 或 "Thank you so much and I am glad I could help."。
歸功於他人:如果被誇讚的物品是別人贈予的,或者你的成功有別人的幫助,你可以說 "Thank you. My parents got it for me for my 18th birthday. They'll be very happy to hear that."。
誇讚回去:如果是在約會或朋友間的互動中,你可以誇讚對方並表示感謝,例如 "Thank you. You clean up nice too." 或 "Thank you. Look at you/So are you/You too."。