



Once upon a time, there was a boy named Li Ming. He lived with his parents and grandparents in a small village. Li Ming's parents worked in the city and were often away from home, so he often helped his grandparents with their daily chores.

One day, his grandmother fell ill and couldn't get up. Li Ming was very worried and didn't know what to do. He quickly called his parents, who told him to stay calm and take care of his grandma. He then began to prepare food, wash her clothes, and even help her take a bath.

After a few days, his grandma felt better and was able to get up on her own. She was so touched by Li Ming's kindness and care that she decided to teach him how to cook. She taught him how to make various dishes and even gave him some cooking tips. Li Ming was very grateful for his grandma's help and took every opportunity to practice what he had learned.

Li Ming's story shows how important it is to be a good son and care for your parents and other family members. By showing them kindness and compassion, we can not only make their lives easier but also learn valuable life lessons about compassion and empathy.