1. "Safe and sound, I sleep the sleep of the just."(安全無恙,我睡得安穩。)
2. "In safety, in peace, let us abide."(讓我們安安全全、平平安安地待著。)
3. "Safe travels, my friend."(一路平安,我的朋友。)(用於旅途安全的情況)
4. "I am safe, and I am here."(我安全,我在這裡。)
5. "Peace and safety."(平安和安全。)
6. "In safety, I trust."(我相信你會安全。)
7. "The future is safe with you."(有你在,未來一片安全。)
8. "I am secure in your protection."(我有你在保護我,我很安心。)
9. "Safety is our shield, our shield and our sword."(安全是我們的盾牌,我們的盾牌和我們的劍。)
10. "Peace and safety lie ahead."(和平與安全在前方等待著。)