It』s bitterly cold.極其寒冷。
The wind is cutting through me like a knife.風像刀子一樣穿透我。
I can』t stop shivering from the cold.冷得不停打哆嗦。
It』s freezing cold outside, you'd better stay at home.外面太冷了,你最好還是待在家裡。
The morning was a bit chilly, but the sun soon warmed the air.早晨有點涼意,但太陽出來後很快就暖和了。
They huddled together for warmth in the freezing temperatures of the winter night.他們在冰凍的冬夜裡擠在一起取暖。
The frigid winds from the north brought a deep freeze to the entire region.來自北方的凜冽寒風給整個地區帶來了嚴寒。
The icy wind cut through their jackets.冰冷的風穿透了他們的夾克。
The bone-chilling cold made them seek refuge indoors as quickly as possible.刺骨的寒冷迫使他們儘快尋找室內避寒之地。