* 心中的勇敢,如同彩虹,短暫卻美麗。Heart's courage is like a rainbow, fleeting yet beautiful.* ——佚名
* 心境是一種微妙的情緒,它能夠改變我們對周圍世界的看法。Mood is a subtle emotion that can change the way we see the world around us. ——佚名
* 當你感到憂鬱時,你要知道,那並不是你的錯。你要明白,這只是一個心境的起伏。When you feel depressed, you should know that it's not your fault. You just have to realize that it's just a fluctuation of mood. ——佚名
* 心境就像天空,有時晴朗,有時陰雲密布。Mood is like the sky, sometimes clear, sometimes overcast. ——佚名