1. “保持內心的平靜。” - "Maintain inner peace."
2. “不要過於苛求自己。” - "Don't be too hard on yourself."
3. “理解他人就是理解自己。” - "Understanding others is understanding oneself."
4. “生活中的每一刻都是禮物。” - "Every moment in life is a gift."
5. “勇氣不是沒有恐懼,而是面對恐懼依然前行。” - "Courage is not the absence of fear, but the face it and still move forward."
6. “善良是一種選擇,而不是一種天賦。” - "Kindness is a choice, not a gift."
7. “當你快樂的時候,整個世界都充滿了善意。” - "When you are happy, the whole world is filled with kindness."
8. “接受不完美是成長的開始。” - "Accepting imperfection is the beginning of growth."
9. “每個人都有自己獨特的美麗。” - "Everyone has their own unique beauty."
10. “保持開放的心態,你會看到更多的可能性。” - "Maintain an open mind, and you will see more possibilities."