



"You're so yummy yummy yummy In my tummy tummy tummy Look at you擺垃圾能控了高麗 Look at me猴給西門 差K卡雞 Look at them阿樂吃素 我們高麗 Baby don't panic come暴美party 查吾啦大力 打球問timing 姨更低迷 醫藥系獨立罵你 還泡妹party 哪兒雇了他gi 昂講義 內gay得給巴黎木器 內弄俺kid不膩 蟲嗯tonight Say大齡Say給鹿 姨雇了light Follow me come and get Illusion 恨你背sing kid妹兒delicious 餓急了 沒給路hook up 困洗眉 貓狗growing up Follow me come and get Illusion 猛擊鬼 不流感delicious 蟲疼呢 烤雞呢fire 寬心妹兒 貓狗growing up Will o' the wisp 剛內急 買狗 一滴油 Will o' the wisp 狗內急 買狗 一滴油 Easy peasy no都玩兒的嬉皮 When you dizzy內gay哭這地屎 都給比伯兒 鬧鈴no聊不 姨喪母躺 孫剛等獎 阿雞倍兒酥 牆布呢style 毛姆累timing 鬧誒爺腳沒打黑It's so funny 漢堡沒party 哪兒鼓了襠gi 啊拉動 馬哥蘇 熬能吧唧 啊搜你kid撲你 biu喊tonight 坑醜毒 破燈毒 姨姑嫩light Follow me come and get Illusion 哈尼被sing kid呢delicious 愛妻樂 你kid樂hook up 困洗眉 貓狗growing up Follow me come and get Illusion 猛擊鬼 不流感delicious 整整哥 烤雞呢fire 寬心妹兒 貓狗growing up Will o' the wisp 考那gay 買狗 一滴油 Will o' the wisp 靠 內急 買狗 一滴油 Yummy yummy yummy"。
