* 生命中充滿了巧合,兩條平行線也會有相交的一天。 Love is full of coincidences, two parallel lines can intersect some day.
* 我的情人,不需要有美麗的外表,只要有心就好。 My lover doesn't need to have beautiful appearance, as long as he/she has a heart.
* 情人眼裡出西施,親愛的,你是我眼中的西施。 Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, dear, you are my own beauty.
* 情人節的玫瑰,是愛的使者,傳遞著浪漫與甜蜜。 Valentine's Day roses are the messengers of love, conveying romance and sweetness.
* 你是我情人的角色,溫暖而熟悉。 You are the lover in my play, warm and familiar.
* 親愛的,你是我情人的禮物,讓我時刻感受到愛情的甜蜜。 Dear, you are the gift of my lover, making me feel the sweetness of love at all times.