1. "愛情就像一場旅行,不在乎目的地,在乎的是沿途的風景以及看風景的心情。"
Love is like a journey, it's not about the destination, but about the scenery along the way and the mood of seeing the scenery.
2. "愛情不是你能左右我的,我的心是我自己的。"
Love is not about what you can control me, my heart is my own.
3. "你是我眼中的星辰,我願意為你燃燒我的生命。"
"You are the stars in my eyes, I am willing to burn my life for you."
4. "我願意為你放棄世界,只要你在我身邊。"
"I'm willing to give up the world for you, as long as you're by my side."
5. "我愛你,即使你不能回應我,我也會繼續愛你。"
"I love you, even if you can't respond to me, I will continue to love you."
6. "願得一人心,白首不相離。"
"I wish to have the heart of one person, and never to part even in our old age."
7. "愛情是靈魂的共鳴,是心靈的相通。"
"Love is a resonance of souls, a mutual understanding of the heart."
8. "愛情是永恆的,即使我們不能在一起,我也依然愛你。"
"Love is eternal, even if we cannot be together, I will still love you."
9. "你的存在就是我生活的一部分,我願意為了你而改變自己。"
"Your existence is part of my life, I am willing to change myself for you."
10. "你是我生命中的一首詩,我願意用一生去讀你。"
"You are a poem in my life, I am willing to spend my whole life reading you."