



* 當我放棄了那東西,我得說有更多更重要的事要去做,我就會擺脫過去。 When I give up on something, I have to say that there are more important things to do, and I'll let go of the past.

* 不要輕易放棄,除非你已找遍了所有該找的地方。 Don't give up easily unless you have searched every possible place.

* 如果你不放棄,你永遠不會發現你想發現的東西。 If you don't give up, you will never find what you want to find.

* 如果你不想放棄,就不要輕易說放棄。 If you don't want to give up, don't easily say goodbye to it.

* 我決定不再放棄了,因為我找到了原因。 I've decided not to give up anymore because I found the reason.

* 我已學會放棄,學會了放棄,就不會那么心痛了。 I've learned to give up, I've learned to let go, and it won't hurt so much anymore.

* 如果你決定放棄,你必須知道放棄是一種美麗。 If you decide to give up, you must know that giving up is beautiful.
