



故事標題:The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland


Alice - A young girl who goes on a magical adventure

The Cheshire Cat - A mysterious cat who appears and disappears at will

The Queen of Hearts - A tyrannical ruler who makes Alice’s life difficult


One day, Alice decided to explore her neighbor’s garden, but she found herself in a strange world filled with peculiar creatures. There she met the Cheshire Cat, who told her about a mad queen who wanted to play a game of chess with all the animals in Wonderland.

Alice agreed to play the game and lost, which made the queen angry. She ordered Alice to be executed, but the execution turned into a chaotic dance as all the animals joined in.

Finally, Alice realized that she had to use her wits and courage to escape from the mad queen’s castle. She found her way back to her own world and was reunited with her family.

Story Box:

At the end of the story, Alice realizes that she must be brave and use her intelligence to overcome any challenge she faces. The lesson is that we should always believe in ourselves and use our strengths to overcome any obstacle.

Emotional Tone: The story is full of humor and adventure, but it also teaches children to be brave and confident in their own abilities.

Theme: The story teaches children to believe in their own abilities and use their strengths to overcome challenges.

Summary: Alice goes on a magical adventure in Wonderland and learns valuable life lessons about bravery and confidence.